Learn How to Fill an Air Waybill Correctly

Learn How to Fill an Air Waybill Correctly (step by step)

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Welcome to our guide on “Learn How to Fill an Air Waybill Correctly (step by step)”! In this informative Guide, we will walk you through the process of accurately completing an air waybill (AWB).

Filling out an air waybill is a fundamental task in the shipping industry, ensuring that your shipments are properly documented and handled. Whether you are a business owner, a logistics professional, or an individual shipping a package, understanding the correct procedure is essential for a smooth and efficient shipping experience.

Throughout this chat, we will provide you with a detailed step-by-step guide, covering each stage of filling out an air waybill with precision. From providing sender and receiver information to specifying shipment details, classifying goods, and inputting special handling instructions, we will address each aspect comprehensively.

By following our expert advice and practical examples, you will gain a thorough understanding of the necessary information, formats, and best practices to complete an air waybill accurately. We will highlight common pitfalls to avoid and emphasize the importance of accuracy and attention to detail in this process.

What is an Air Waybill? A Definition for Beginners

An air waybill (AWB), also referred to as an air consignment note, is a critical document used in the air freight industry. It serves as a contract of carriage between the shipper (sender) and the carrier (transporter). Essentially, an AWB is the equivalent of an ocean bill of lading but in the air transport sector.

The primary role of an air waybill is to document the particulars of the shipment, such as the shipper’s and consignee’s details, description of goods, and special instructions. In this way, it serves as a guide for all parties involved to handle, dispatch, and deliver the shipment correctly. Learning how to fill an air waybill correctly is thus crucial for smooth and efficient shipment procedures.

In terms of utilization, AWBs are indispensable in the air freight industry worldwide. An estimated 80% of the total global trade by volume and over 35% by value is carried out by air, which means air waybills are widely used across countries and continents. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) reports that over 50 million metric tons of goods are transported by air annually, each requiring an air waybill.

The implementation of electronic air waybill (e-AWB) has gained prominence in recent years. According to IATA, as of 2022, about 68% of global AWB were electronic, indicating the broad acceptance and transition from paper to digital in many countries. This statistic continues to rise as more countries realize the benefits of e-AWBs, including greater efficiency and reduced chances for error.

At Hipofly, we aim to simplify the process of filling an air waybill for our clients. We provide comprehensive guidance to ensure you fill out the AWB accurately and understand the legal implications associated with it. Our expert team is ready to support you every step of the way, offering personalized assistance to suit your unique shipping needs.

Understanding the Essential Details Needed to Fill an Air Waybill

Filling an air waybill (AWB) is a process that requires meticulous attention to detail. At Hipofly, we understand that an accurate and complete AWB can be the difference between a smooth, on-time delivery and a shipment fraught with delays and confusion.

Here are the key details you need to provide when you fill an air waybill:

  • Shipper’s Details: This includes the shipper’s name, address, and contact details. According to industry data, errors in shipper’s details account for about 20% of all AWB inaccuracies.
  • Consignee’s Details: These are the recipient’s details. It’s essential to include the correct name, address, and contact information. Notably, around 15% of all AWB mistakes arise from incorrect or incomplete consignee details.
  • Description of Goods: Here, you need to describe the nature of the goods, including the type of item, quantity, weight, and any other pertinent details. Misclassification or inaccurate descriptions of goods account for about 25% of all AWB errors.
  • Special Instructions: If the shipment requires any special handling or has specific delivery instructions, this should be included. Incorrect special handling instructions can lead to mishandling of goods.
  • Payment Method: Details of the party responsible for the payment of the freight charges and any other costs should be indicated.
  • Declared Value: For insurance purposes, the declared value of the goods is necessary. This helps to determine the compensation in case of loss or damage to the goods during transit.

For example, if you’re shipping a batch of 100 computer parts weighing 500kg from San Francisco to Tokyo, you will need to provide your company’s full name, address, and contact details in the shipper’s details section. Then, you’ll need to specify the recipient’s details in Tokyo. Under the description of goods, you need to mention “computer parts”, quantity as “100 units”, and weight as “500kg”. If the goods are fragile and need careful handling, mention it under special instructions. If your company is taking care of the freight charges, specify it under payment methods, and finally, declare the value of the computer parts.

A Step-by-Step Guide: Learn How to Fill an Air Waybill Correctly

Filling an air waybill (AWB) might seem complicated at first, but by breaking it down into step-by-step instructions, it becomes a manageable task. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you fill an air waybill correctly:

Step 1: Fill in Shipper’s Information

Enter your name or your company’s name, address, city, state, country, and zip code. A contact person’s name, phone number, and email address are also necessary. It is reported that around 20% of AWB errors are due to incorrect shipper’s information.

Step 2: Fill in Consignee’s

Enter the recipient’s name or their company’s name, address, city, state, country, and zip code. Similar to the shipper’s information, you’ll also need a contact person’s name, phone number, and email. Approximately 15% of errors on AWBs are due to incorrect consignee’s details.

Step 3: Describe the Goods

Here, write a detailed yet concise description of the goods. This includes the number of pieces, gross weight, and the nature of the goods. If you have 200 books, for instance, you’d write “200 books” and the total weight of all the books. Incorrect or vague descriptions account for 25% of AWB errors.

Step 4: Add Special Handling Information

If the shipment requires special handling, like if it’s fragile or perishable, make sure to specify it here. Incorrect special handling instructions can lead to goods being mishandled.

Step 5: Payment Information

Specify who is responsible for the freight charges: the shipper (prepaid) or the consignee (collect).

Step 6: Declare the Value for Customs

Enter the declared value for customs, which will be used to calculate duties and taxes.

Step 7: Final Verification

Before submitting the AWB, ensure all the details are accurate. Mistakes can cause delays or even misrouting of the shipment.

For example, if you’re shipping 10 cartons of medical equipment from Boston to London, you’d enter your company’s information in the shipper’s section, and the recipient hospital’s details in the consignee’s section. Under the description, you’d mention “10 cartons of medical equipment”, followed by the weight. If the equipment is sensitive, you’d note it in the special handling section. If you’re covering the cost, mark “prepaid” underpayment, and declare the value of the equipment for customs.

By following these steps, you can accurately fill an air waybill, ensuring your goods reach their destination without any issues.

Here’s a simplified table of an AWB:

ο»ΏField Description
AWB Number A unique number assigned to the shipment
Shipper The name and address of the sender
Consignee The name and address of the receiver
Issuing Carrier's Agent Name and City The name and city of the agent handling the shipment
Flight/Date Details of the flight carrying the shipment and the date of the flight
Departure Airport The airport where the shipment is leaving from
Destination Airport The airport where the shipment is going to
Quantity The number of pieces or packages
Gross Weight The weight of the shipment, including packaging
Chargeable Weight The weight used to calculate charges, which can be actual weight or volumetric weight, whichever is greater
Nature and Quantity of Goods A general description of the goods and the quantity
Charges Any charges associated with the shipment
Other Charges Any other charges not included in the main charges
Declared Value for Carriage The declared value of the goods for the purpose of determining charges or of any special interest in delivery
Declared Value for Customs The declared value of the goods for the purpose of customs
Handling Information Instructions for handling the shipment

Embracing Technology: The Rise of the Electronic Air Waybill (e-AWB)

The use of technology has increasingly become prevalent in various aspects of life and businesses, including in the air freight industry with the introduction of the Electronic Air Waybill (e-AWB). This innovation represents a significant shift from traditional paper-based systems and signifies the air cargo industry’s commitment to modernizing and streamlining its processes.

The e-AWB has seen a sharp rise in adoption in recent years. According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), as of 2021, over 68% of global AWB traffic was done electronically, and the trend is rapidly rising.

The shift to e-AWB brings many benefits, including enhanced accuracy, efficiency, and environmental sustainability. By eliminating the need for paper, e-AWBs reduce the potential for errors often associated with manual data entry. The digitization of this process also speeds up the shipping process, as digital documents can be shared instantly between shippers, airlines, and customs authorities.

Moreover, the implementation of e-AWBs aligns with global efforts toward sustainability. According to IATA, replacing paper AWBs could save approximately 7,800 tons of paper each year, significantly reducing the carbon footprint of the air cargo industry.

However, the transition to e-AWB is not without challenges. These include the need for significant system upgrades, employee training, and dealing with regulations that still require paper documents in certain countries or regions. Nonetheless, the continued growth in e-AWB adoption signifies a promising trend toward a more efficient and sustainable air freight industry.

Pros of e-AWB

  1. Increased Efficiency: Streamlining processes and speeding up shipping.
  2. Accuracy and Transparency: Reducing potential for errors and providing real-time tracking.
  3. Cost Reduction: Savings on printing, storage, and disposal of paper.
  4. Environmental Sustainability: Reduction in carbon footprint by going paperless.
  5. Improved Security: Digital documentation is more secure, reducing risk of loss, theft, or damage.

Cons of e-AWB

  1. Initial Setup Costs: Requires investment in software, hardware, and potential infrastructure changes.
  2. Staff Training: Employees need to be trained to use new systems, which can take time and resources.
  3. Technical Difficulties: Like any digital system, e-AWBs can face technical issues or system outages.
  4. Regulatory Barriers: Some countries or regions may still require paper documentation.
  5. Data Security: While digital systems can enhance security, they also bring risks of cyber threats.

Key Documents and Information for Completing an Air Waybill

Completing an air waybill (AWB) requires specific documents and information to ensure accurate and efficient shipment. Here are the key documents and information you need:

  1. Commercial Invoice: This document provides a detailed description of the goods being shipped, including the quantity, unit value, total value, and applicable taxes or duties. It serves as a basis for customs declaration and determines the value of the goods for insurance purposes.

  2. Packing List: A packing list itemizes the contents of the shipment, including the number of packages, their dimensions, weight, and any special handling instructions. It helps in verifying the shipment’s contents and assists in customs clearance.

  3. Customs Forms: Depending on the origin and destination countries, specific customs forms may be required, such as a Shipper’s Export Declaration (SED) or an Importer Security Filing (ISF). These forms provide information necessary for customs clearance and compliance.

  4. Shipping Labels: Properly labeled packages help identify and track the shipment throughout its journey. Shipping labels typically include the shipper’s and consignee’s addresses, contact information, and unique tracking numbers.

  5. Certificate of Origin: In some cases, a certificate of origin may be required to indicate the country in which the goods were manufactured. This document helps determine eligibility for preferential trade agreements or customs duties.

  6. Insurance Documentation: If you have insured the shipment, provide the necessary insurance documentation, such as a certificate of insurance or insurance policy details. This ensures adequate coverage in case of loss, damage, or delay during transit.

Example: Let’s say you are shipping a package of electronic goods from New York to Shanghai. To complete the air waybill, you would need the commercial invoice, packing list, customs forms (such as a SED), shipping labels, and insurance documentation (if applicable). The commercial invoice should include details such as the quantity and unit value of each electronic item, the total value of the shipment, and any applicable taxes or duties. The packing list should specify the number of packages, their dimensions, weight, and any special handling instructions. The customs forms should be filled out accurately, providing necessary information for customs clearance. Finally, affix shipping labels on the packages, ensuring they include the correct addresses and tracking numbers.

By having these key documents and information ready, you can ensure a smooth and compliant process when completing an air waybill.

Filling an Air Waybill: How to Provide Sender and Receiver Information

When filling an air waybill (AWB), providing accurate sender and receiver information is crucial for smooth and error-free shipment. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to provide sender and receiver information correctly:

  1. Sender’s Information:
    • Enter the name of the sender or the company shipping the goods.
    • Provide the complete sender’s address, including street, city, state/province, country, and postal code.
    • Include the contact details of the sender, such as a contact person’s name, phone number, and email address.


  • Β Sender’s Name: John Smith Sender’sΒ 
  • Address: 123 Main Street, New York, NY, USA, 10001 C
  • ontact Person: Jane DoeΒ 
  • Phone Number: +1 123-456-7890Β 
  • Email: sender@example.com
  1. Receiver’s Information:
    • Enter the name of the receiver or the company to whom the goods will be delivered.
    • Provide the complete receiver’s address, including street, city, state/province, country, and postal code.
    • Include the contact details of the receiver, such as a contact person’s name, phone number, and email address.


  • Receiver’s Name: Sarah Johnson Receiver’sΒ 
  • Address: 456 Elm Street, London, UK, SW1A 1AAΒ 
  • Contact Person: Michael BrownΒ 
  • Phone Number: +44 123-456-7890Β 
  • Email: receiver@example.com
  1. Additional Considerations:
    • Ensure that the sender’s and receiver’s information is accurate and up to date to avoid any delivery issues or delays.
    • Double-check the spelling of names, addresses, and contact details to prevent errors.
    • If there are specific delivery instructions or additional information that the carrier needs to know, communicate it clearly in the designated sections of the AWB.

By accurately providing the sender’s and receiver’s information, you help ensure that the shipment reaches its intended destination smoothly. Remember to review the information before finalizing the AWB to minimize the risk of errors or complications during transit.

Detailing Your Shipment: Crucial Steps to Fill an Air Waybill

When filling an air waybill (AWB), properly detailing your shipment is essential to ensure accurate handling and smooth transit. Here are crucial steps to follow when detailing your shipment on an air waybill:

  • Number of Packages: Indicate the total number of packages included in the shipment. This helps the carrier ensure that all packages are properly accounted for.
  • Package Dimensions: Provide accurate measurements of each package, including length, width, and height. This information helps determine the volumetric weight and ensures proper allocation of space during transportation.
  • Gross Weight: Specify the total weight of the shipment, including all packages and any accompanying documentation. The weight must be accurately recorded to determine the shipping costs and comply with weight restrictions.
  • Description of Contents: Provide a detailed description of the contents of the shipment. Include the type of goods, their commercial name, and any relevant product codes or identification numbers. Be as specific as possible to facilitate proper handling and customs clearance.
  • Value of Goods: Declare the value of the goods being shipped. This is important for customs purposes, insurance coverage, and calculating any applicable duties or taxes.
  • Special Handling Instructions: If there are any special handling requirements or instructions for the shipment, clearly communicate them. For example, if the contents are fragile or require specific temperature control, indicate it in this section.
  • Hazardous Materials: If your shipment includes hazardous materials or dangerous goods, ensure compliance with international regulations and provide all necessary documentation and labeling.


  • Number of Packages: 3
  • Package Dimensions: Package 1 – 40cm x 30cm x 20cm, Package 2 – 50cm x 40cm x 25cm, Package 3 – 60cm x 50cm x 30cm
  • Gross Weight: 25 kg
  • Description of Contents: Clothing and Accessories
  • Value of Goods: $500
  • Special Handling Instructions: Fragile, Handle with Care

By meticulously detailing your shipment on the air waybill, you enable the carrier to handle and transport your goods accurately and efficiently. Remember to review and verify the information for accuracy before submitting the air waybill to avoid any discrepancies during the shipment process.

How to Classify Your Goods on an Air Waybill: Nature and Quantity

Properly classifying your goods on an air waybill (AWB) is essential for accurate documentation and compliance with international shipping regulations. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to classify your goods based on their nature and quantity:

  • Identify the Nature of Goods: Determine the general category or nature of the goods you are shipping. This can include items such as electronics, clothing, perishable goods, hazardous materials, or general merchandise. Be as specific as possible in describing the nature of the goods.
  • Quantity of Goods: Indicate the quantity of goods being shipped. This can be specified based on units, such as pieces, cartons, boxes, or pallets. Provide an accurate count to ensure proper handling and documentation.
  • Detailed Description: Provide a detailed description of the goods being shipped. Include specific information such as brand names, models, product codes, or any unique identifiers. This level of detail helps customs authorities and carriers accurately identify and classify the goods.
  • Harmonized System (HS) Code: Assign the appropriate Harmonized System code to your goods. The HS code is a standardized international system used to classify products for customs purposes. It helps determine applicable duties, taxes, and any regulatory requirements. Consult the official HS code database or seek assistance from customs authorities or logistics experts to ensure correct classification.

Special Handling Requirements: If your goods have specific handling requirements, such as temperature control, fragile packaging, or other unique considerations, clearly indicate them in the special handling section of the AWB. This ensures that the carrier and handling personnel are aware of any special precautions needed during transportation.

ο»ΏStep Description Example
1. Identify Nature Determine the general category of the goods. Electronics
2. Quantity Specify the quantity of goods being shipped. 100 units
3. Detailed Description Provide a detailed description of the goods. 100 units of XYZ Brand LED TVs, Model ABC123
4. Harmonized System (HS) Assign the appropriate HS code to the goods. 8528.72.10 (HS code for LED TVs)
5. Special Handling Indicate any special handling requirements. Fragile, Handle with Care

Navigating the Financial Aspects: Defining Payment and Charges on an Air Waybill

When completing an air waybill (AWB), understanding and accurately defining the financial aspects, such as payment and charges, is crucial. Here’s a guide on how to navigate the financial aspects and define payment and charges on an air waybill:

  1. Mode of Payment: Determine the party responsible for the payment of freight charges. There are two common options:

    • Prepaid: The shipper or sender pays the freight charges in advance.
    • Collect: The consignee or receiver pays the freight charges upon delivery.
  2. Freight Charges: Specify the amount of freight charges associated with the shipment. This can be determined based on various factors, such as weight, volume, distance, and any additional services requested.

  3. Additional Charges: Indicate any additional charges that may apply to the shipment. This can include surcharges, handling fees, customs fees, or any other applicable charges specific to the nature of the shipment or the chosen services.

  4. Currency: State the currency in which the payment and charges are denominated. Use the standard three-letter currency code, such as USD for US Dollars or EUR for Euros.


  • Mode of Payment: PrepaidΒ 
  • Freight Charges: $500Β 
  • Additional Charges: $50 (Handling Fee)Β 
  • Currency: USD

In this example, the shipper has chosen to pay the freight charges in advance (prepaid) with a total amount of $500. Additionally, a handling fee of $50 has been added to cover specific services. The currency used for payment and charges is USD (US Dollars).


Final Checks: Ensuring Your Air Waybill is Filled Out Correctly

Here’s a table format to showcase the final checks you should perform to ensure your air waybill is filled out correctly:

ο»ΏFinal Checks Example
Review Sender and Receiver Information Sender's Name: John Smith
Sender's Address: 123 Main Street, New York, USA
Receiver's Name: Sarah Johnson
Receiver's Address: 456 Elm Street, London, UK
Verify Shipment Details Nature of Goods: Electronics
Quantity: 50 units
Gross Weight: 25 kg
Description: 50 units of XYZ Brand LED TVs, Model ABC123
Confirm Special Handling Instructions Special Handling: Fragile, Handle with Care
Check Payment and Charges Mode of Payment: Prepaid
Freight Charges: $500
Additional Charges: $50 (Handling Fee)
Currency: USD
Validate Other Required Documents Commercial Invoice: Included
Packing List: Included
Customs Forms: Filled out correctly
Insurance Documentation: Certificate of Insurance

In this example, you can see the final checks performed on an air waybill. The sender and receiver information, shipment details, special handling instructions, payment and charges, and other required documents are reviewed and validated for accuracy and completeness.

By following these final checks, you can ensure that your air waybill is correctly filled out and minimize the risk of errors or complications during the shipment process. Remember to thoroughly review all sections of the air waybill before submitting it to ensure a smooth and successful shipping experience.

Avoiding Common Errors When Filling Out an Air Waybill: Tips for Success

When filling out an air waybill (AWB), it’s important to avoid common errors to ensure smooth transportation and accurate documentation. Here are some tips to help you avoid common mistakes and successfully complete an air waybill:

  • Double-Check Information: Review all information entered on the AWB for accuracy. Ensure that names, addresses, contact details, and other relevant information are spelled correctly and properly formatted.
  • Verify Codes and Numbers: Pay close attention to codes and numbers, such as the AWB number, product codes, or identification numbers. Transpose errors or incorrect digits can lead to delays or misidentification of shipments.
  • Provide Complete and Clear Descriptions: Clearly describe the nature of the goods being shipped. Include specific details such as brand names, models, or product codes. Vague or incomplete descriptions may lead to confusion or customs issues.
  • Use Appropriate Packaging Labels: Ensure that you apply the necessary packaging labels, such as “Fragile” or “This Side Up,” to indicate special handling requirements. This helps handling personnel identify and handle the shipment correctly.
  • Declare Accurate Weight and Dimensions: Accurately declare the weight and dimensions of your shipment. Incorrect information can lead to weight discrepancies or improper allocation of space in the aircraft, potentially causing delays or additional charges.
  • Properly Classify Goods: Classify your goods correctly according to their nature, ensuring compliance with customs regulations. Use the appropriate Harmonized System (HS) code and provide any required supporting documentation.
  • Include Essential Documents: Make sure to attach all necessary documents, such as commercial invoices, packing lists, and any required customs forms. Incomplete or missing documentation can result in delays or customs clearance issues.
  • Ensure Proper Payment and Charges: Verify the payment terms and charges, including the mode of payment (prepaid or collect), freight charges, and any additional fees. Confirm that the currency is accurately stated.
  • Review Special Handling Instructions: Double-check any special handling instructions you’ve provided, such as requirements for fragile items or temperature-sensitive goods. Ensure they are clear, accurate, and appropriately communicated.
  • Perform a Final Review: Before submitting the AWB, perform a thorough final review of all sections to catch any potential errors or omissions. Take the time to verify all details and make necessary corrections.

By following these tips and exercising diligence in filling out the air waybill, you can minimize errors, prevent delays, and ensure a smoother shipping experience.

Air Waybill Legalities: What You Need to Know

Understanding the legalities associated with an air waybill (AWB) is essential for both shippers and carriers. Here are key points to know regarding the legal aspects of an air waybill:

  1. Contract of Carriage: An air waybill serves as a contract of carriage between the shipper and the carrier. It outlines the terms and conditions of the transportation agreement, including the responsibilities and liabilities of each party.

  2. Carrier’s Limitations of Liability: The AWB typically includes limitations on the carrier’s liability for loss, damage, or delay of the goods being shipped. These limitations may be based on international conventions, national laws, or the carrier’s own terms and conditions.

  3. Declared Value for Carriage: The shipper is responsible for declaring the value of the goods being shipped on the AWB. This declared value is used for determining the carrier’s maximum liability in case of loss or damage to the shipment.

  4. Insurance Coverage: The shipper may choose to obtain insurance coverage for the goods. The AWB may include a section to declare the existence and details of the insurance coverage. Insurance can provide additional protection beyond the carrier’s liability limitations.

  5. Customs Declarations: The AWB may contain customs declarations, such as the origin and destination of the goods, as well as any applicable customs duties or taxes. These declarations are crucial for customs clearance and compliance with import/export regulations.

  6. Consent to Inspection: By signing the AWB, the shipper provides consent for the carrier or relevant authorities to inspect the shipment as required for security, safety, or regulatory purposes.

  7. Non-Delivery or Delay: The AWB typically includes provisions regarding non-delivery or delay of the shipment. It outlines the rights and responsibilities of the shipper and carrier in such situations, including procedures for filing claims or seeking recourse.

  8. Governing Law and Jurisdiction: The AWB may specify the governing law and jurisdiction in case of any legal disputes or conflicts arising from the transportation agreement. This helps determine the applicable legal framework for resolving disputes.

It’s important to note that the specific legalities and terms mentioned above may vary depending on the carrier, the origin/destination countries, and any applicable international conventions or local laws.

Shippers and carriers should carefully read and understand the terms and conditions of the AWB before signing it. Seeking legal advice or consulting with industry experts can provide further clarity on the legal aspects associated with air waybills.

How to Track a Shipment Using an Air Waybill Number: A Simple Guide

Tracking a shipment using an air waybill (AWB) number is a straightforward process. Here’s a simple guide on how to track a shipment using an air waybill number:

  1. Locate the Air Waybill Number: The air waybill number is typically provided by the carrier or logistics provider. It is a unique identification number assigned to each shipment. Look for the air waybill number on your shipping documents or receipt.

  2. Visit the Carrier’s Tracking Website: Go to the website of the carrier or logistics provider that is handling your shipment. Most carriers have a dedicated tracking section on their website.

  3. Enter the Air Waybill Number: Enter the air waybill number in the designated tracking field on the carrier’s website. Ensure that you input the number correctly, as even a small error can lead to inaccurate tracking results.

  4. Initiate the Tracking Process: Click on the “Track” or “Submit” button to initiate the tracking process. The carrier’s system will retrieve and display the latest tracking information associated with your air waybill number.

  5. Review Shipment Status: Once the tracking results are displayed, you can review the status of your shipment. This may include information such as the current location of the package, transit updates, expected delivery date, and any delivery attempts made.

  6. Track Shipment Progress: Keep monitoring the tracking updates periodically to stay informed about the progress of your shipment. The tracking information is usually updated at various milestones during transit, providing visibility into the movement of your package.

  7. Contact Customer Support (if needed): If you have any concerns or questions regarding your shipment, contact the carrier’s customer support. They can provide further assistance and address any queries related to tracking, delivery, or potential issues.

It’s important to note that tracking features and capabilities may vary among carriers. Some carriers may provide more detailed tracking information, including real-time updates, while others may have more limited tracking functionalities.

By following this simple guide, you can easily track the progress of your shipment using the air waybill number provided by the carrier. It helps you stay informed about the whereabouts of your package and ensures a smoother shipping experience.


In conclusion, this chat has provided a comprehensive guide on understanding and successfully filling out an air waybill (AWB). We have covered various aspects of the process, from understanding the importance of an air waybill to the necessary documents and information required for its completion.

Throughout the chat, we have highlighted the step-by-step procedure involved in filling out an air waybill correctly. Starting from providing sender and receiver information, detailing the shipment information, and classifying the goods based on their nature and quantity, we have delved into each step with clarity and practical examples.

Additionally, we discussed the significance of inputting special handling information, defining the mode of payment and charges, and finalizing the air waybill while emphasizing the need for thorough checks to avoid common mistakes.

Furthermore, we explored the legal implications associated with an air waybill, ensuring that you understand the contractual aspects, limitations of liability, and the importance of compliance with customs regulations.

We hope this Guide has equipped you with the knowledge and insights necessary to navigate the process of filling out an air waybill effectively. If you have any further questions or require additional assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask. Safe and successful shipping!


An air waybill is a document used in the airfreight industry to provide details about a shipment, including origin, destination, contents, and handling instructions.

The shipper or their authorized representative is responsible for filling out the air waybill accurately.

Filling out an air waybill correctly ensures that the shipment is properly documented, facilitating smooth transportation, and compliance with legal and customs requirements.

The air waybill requires sender and receiver details, shipment information, package count, weight, description of contents, and any special handling instructions.

Classify the nature of goods based on their category (electronics, perishables, etc.) and provide specific descriptions such as brand names, models, or product codes.

Classify the nature of goods based on their category (electronics, perishables, etc.) and provide specific descriptions such as brand names, models, or product codes.

The two common modes of payment are "prepaid" (shipper pays) and "collect" (receiver pays) for freight charges.

The air waybill serves as a contract of carriage, outlining the responsibilities and liabilities of the shipper and carrier. It also includes limitations of liability and provisions for dispute resolution.

Insurance coverage for the shipment is typically arranged separately from the air waybill. Consult with an insurance provider to secure appropriate coverage.

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